Luka Čotić, MSc, is an assistant (NPOO-DOK-2023-10-7422) at the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation at the Department of Applied Science. He will conduct research within the project “Novel approach to olive fruit fly (Bactrocea oleae, Rossi) monitoring and/or control using volatile compounds produced by brewing by-product – BeerBy-4-OliveFly” of the Croatian Science Foundation IP-2022-10-9643. In June 2014, he graduated from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture. After completing his studies, Luka began his scientific career in the field of plant protection as a sales consultant for pesticides at the company Vrelko d.o.o. After many years of professional experience and acquired knowledge, Luka progressed in his career and started a new employment relationship at Agrobiotest d.o.o., where he tested the effectiveness of pesticides as an executor of field trials and acquired a lot of knowledge and skills in the field of plant protection. He also became an expert in the control of palm and chestnut pests and tested new sustainable plant protection models. Luka’s scientific research interests focused on exploring new, non-chemical methods to monitor and control important olive pests with the aim of finding new protection models while respecting the principles of modern, sustainable plant protection.
Luka, welcome to the BeerBy-4-OliveFly team!