The 5th International Scientific and Expert Conference “Natural Resources, Green Technology and Sustainable Development/5-GREEN2024“ took place from December 3 to 5, 2024 in Zagreb at the Hotel International. As part of the conference program, Dr. Elda Vitanović presented the poster „Novel approach to olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae, Rossi) monitoring and/or control using volatile compounds produced by brewing by-product“ by the authors Elda Vitanović, Marijana Popović, Filipa Burul (DOK-2021-02-1355), Ana Bego, Luka Čotić (DOK-NPOO-2023-10-7422), Frank Zalom. Dr. Vitanović presented the first results of the BeerBy-4-OliveFly project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation IP-2022-10-9643 in a poster session.